Canara Bank Rebeco Emerging Equities
Canara Rebeco Emerging Equities is the best amongst the large-cap & mid cap category and it is ranked 1st by CRISIL. It aims to generate long term capital appreciation through investing in diversifies mid-cap stocks which have higher probability to turn into bigger corporate in the coming future.
Portfolio Analysis: As per the sectorial holdings Banking & Finance have been most favored sector for this fund as it is contributing 23.41% to the entire portfolio followed by Automotive Sector. Top Holdings and Sector Allocation for this fund are shown below.
Top 5 Holding
Risk Profile:The risk associated with this fund is too high because the total investment is focused on the stocks from small caps and midcaps sector. During the corrective phase or bad times this scripts do not have any lower limits to fall which can turn into capital loss. However every coin has 2 sides as these small size companies have potential to turn large which once happens can add bumper returns to your corpus. It is suitable to investors having high risk bearing ability within the age of 20-40 years.
Technical Perspective:The Daily chart of CanaraRebeco Emerging Equities shows that wave 3 looks to be complete at the recent high of 105 levels and now wave 4 is in course. Also 50 days EMA is providing important resistance near 97 levels. This can be used as proper opportunity for investing and capture the move in form of wave 5.
Investment perspective: This fund has maximum exposure to equity and as per our outlook on Indian Equity markets medium term outlook is positive. Parking through SIP route is the best option as of now.
Invest NOW in CanaraRebeco emerging Equities Fund online – Click here
Canara Rebeco Emerging Equities is the best amongst the large-cap & mid cap category and it is ranked 1st by CRISIL. It aims to generate long term capital appreciation through investing in diversifies mid-cap stocks which have higher probability to turn into bigger corporate in the coming future.
Portfolio Analysis: As per the sectorial holdings Banking & Finance have been most favored sector for this fund as it is contributing 23.41% to the entire portfolio followed by Automotive Sector. Top Holdings and Sector Allocation for this fund are shown below.
Top 5 Holding

Risk Profile:The risk associated with this fund is too high because the total investment is focused on the stocks from small caps and midcaps sector. During the corrective phase or bad times this scripts do not have any lower limits to fall which can turn into capital loss. However every coin has 2 sides as these small size companies have potential to turn large which once happens can add bumper returns to your corpus. It is suitable to investors having high risk bearing ability within the age of 20-40 years.
Technical Perspective:The Daily chart of CanaraRebeco Emerging Equities shows that wave 3 looks to be complete at the recent high of 105 levels and now wave 4 is in course. Also 50 days EMA is providing important resistance near 97 levels. This can be used as proper opportunity for investing and capture the move in form of wave 5.
Investment perspective: This fund has maximum exposure to equity and as per our outlook on Indian Equity markets medium term outlook is positive. Parking through SIP route is the best option as of now.
Invest NOW in CanaraRebeco emerging Equities Fund online – Click here